Recherche 411
E1089 Lamb of God so pure and spotless Classique
E1195 Life is mysterious, life is God Himself Classique
E77 Lift that Name high! That glorious Name Classique
E719 Like a river, glorious Classique
E456 Living for Jesus a life that is true Classique
E972 Lo, the central thought of God Classique
E946 Lo, the glory! Lo, the splendor Classique
E1094 Lo, the nations all assemble Classique
E726 Long plunged in sorrow, I resign Classique
E773 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face Classique
E207 Lord Jesus! when we think of Thee Classique
E389 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live Classique
E544 Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine Classique
E212 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express Classique
E8170 Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express (adapted) Classique
E144 Lord of glory, we adore Thee Classique
E259 Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing Classique
E599 Lord, I was blind; I could not see Classique
E1104 Lord, Thou art our peace offering Classique
E488 Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery Classique
E434 Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield Classique
E283 Lord, Thou knowest all the hunger Classique
E1253 Lord, Thy word of old to David Classique
E8319 Lord, alone, I'm powerless Classique
E843 Lord, breathe Thy breath of life upon me Classique